Archive for May 21st, 2008


my one true loves

May 21, 2008

Those of you who hang out with me in real life may have heard me refer to my one true loves, yes you heard that right I have more than one. Most likely you have also heard this term in the context of watching a movie/tv show or listening to music, because as a rule none of my true loves are attainable/close to my age/or realistic in anyway. With that said, here are my top five:

5. Dimitri (from Anastasia) – Okay I know this one really knocks me into deep left field nerdom, but seriously this has to be the most charming cartoon man ever. Also the voice was provided by John Cussack who is almost deserving of his own spot on this list. Plus Dimitri even has the witty banter thing down pat, sigh gotta love the romantic tension filled repartee.


4. Gilbert Blythe – I think Gilbert gets on this list for two reasons, first his long held and deeply romantic love for Anne (of Green Gables). I mean come on he keeps loving her after repeated rejections, determined to eventually win the love of the girl with the grey eyes. And second, boy howdy that man knows how to wear a vest. As I have confessed to my roommates I am pretty sure any future husband of mine would be well advised to consider finding a few of these instant hotness factor fitted vests.

Gilbert Blythe

3. Eddie Izzard – Let me tell you folks, while I had been fascinated by this incredibly funny, deeply intelligent and completely wacky guy by watching his videos, seeing him live was a whole new experience. He is one deeply charming and attractive man, but oddly enough I don’t think this has much to do with what he actually looks like. In fact he really isn’t that attractive at all, but boy howdy seeing him perform live stand-up comedy is just a whole different ball game. The man oozes enough charisma to charm the pants off a newt and yes you can get a glimpse of it by watching his videos, but seeing him take the energy from the audience and just direct it in anyway he wants to is rather incredible.

Eddie Izzard

2. Josh from West Wing (aka Bradley Whitford) – I am currently in the middle of watching the final season of West Wing and Josh is definitely a big part of why I love that show. Yes he is obnoxious, egotistical, loud, rude and seemingly completely oblivious to the wonderful Donna, but he also is disgustingly brilliant, extremely committed, loyal, boyish and totally adorable in a suit.

again with the not actually incredibly handsome thing

1. Captain Mal from Firefly (aka Nathan Fillon) – Okay this one does actually have a lot to do with how attractive this man is, but trust me it still has a lot to do with the wit, the loyalty, the gruff outer shell and the warm gooey insides (which I have to say would probably not actually be something I would want in a real life man, seeing as I would actually like to be able to communicate with someone I was spending the rest of my life with).

be still my beating heart