
Salad Monday

November 17, 2014

A major point in favor of marriage (or shacking up with the awesome person of your choice) is how you sometimes have dinner waiting for you when you get home. Tonight was one of those nights for me – lucky duck. While this is not as seasonally apt as it was when we ate it 2-3 times a week this past summer, this basic salad with seared pork, feta cheese and delicious aged balsamic vinaigrette is a classic fav for both Alex and me.
Delicious salad

One comment

  1. Wow. This actually makes me want to eat salad. Except not the lettuce and not the feta…Just kidding. I would actually give the whole thing a try. By the way, next time you are in the area, I must take you to try the hand pies/savory pies and salads at Hoosier Mama. ‘Cause, wow. So good. Sigh. I’m hungry.

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