Archive for November 24th, 2009


day 24: some NaBloPo thoughts

November 24, 2009

I am not sure what is making November go by so fast, maybe it is all the blogging I’ve been doing, or maybe it is just the way my life seems to be continually accelerating these day.  Either way, it is more than a bit crazy to realize that today is my last day of work before Thanksgiving Break (hallelujah for working in a school), but of course I still have class tonight which is a bit anti-climatic to say the least.

Oh and that also means that I only have a week left of this NaBloPoMo thing, which I have to say I have really really enjoyed, even the running back to my house at 11:50pm on a Saturday night so I could blog part.  For one, it seems to have brought out more commenting, but then again that probably has a lot to do with the fact that November has had about 17 times as many posts as the past few months.  But whatever the cause, I have to say I have really enjoyed having people stop by and read and say hello, it does make this whole blogging thing seem slightly less bizarro.

Oh in other news, my younger brother arrives tonight, although time and place haven’t been completely confirmed I am tickled pink by this.  However considering my inability to make myself go to bed at a decent hour for the last week*, my welcome will probably consist of “hey, welcome home booger! Here is the couch and……szzzzzzzzzzzzz”

*Seriously last night I was all like “Okay Abby, you can read till 10:15pm and then off to bed” and then I ended up blearily reading my novel until 11:45pm came along and punched me in the face.